Equipment Invoicing

How to link your equipment to a customer and invoice.

Jeanette Diaz avatar
Written by Jeanette Diaz
Updated over a week ago

Begin by creating a customer profile for your FBO under Company Data > Customer List

In your FBO's customer profile, scroll down and deploy the Equipment menu

Then, begin to type in the equipment you want to invoice under 'Link Equipment', click the option that shows up in the dropdown and add it to your equipment list.

Now that the equipment is linked to the customer, it's time to create an invoice!

  • Accounting > Invoice > New Invoice

  • Begin typing your equipment name under 'Sold To' and select the option in the dropdown.

  • Add your fuel type under 'Item Description' and link your fuel ticket.

    Since this will be a $0 invoice you will need to process it using the payment method COMP.

Follow the steps in the link below to process a $0 invoice.

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